6.3 How to improve on resolution by listing “3 types of yes, buts..” andhow to overcome these?
Many breakthrough ideas can be classified under the banner of “necessary but not sufficient”. When presenting abreakthrough tactic to other stakeholders, they will frequently respond with “YES that’s great, BUT…” Thesereservations can provide important additional details needed to ensure your breakthrough tactic is sufficient tocreate more of what you want and less of what you don’t.
Step 2: Check with all stakeholders forInsufficiency [“Yes, that’s a greatsolution, but I don’t think it’s sufficientto meet all key stakeholder needs…”].
Step 2: Check with all stakeholders forInsufficiency [“Yes, that’s a greatsolution, but I don’t think it’s sufficientto meet all key stakeholder needs…”].
Step 1: Click Yes, But… from the S&TAudit Menu
Step 1: Click Yes, But… from the S&TAudit Menu
Step 3: Enter Stakeholder name.
Step 3: Enter Stakeholder name.
Step 4: Enter explanation of why thechange is insufficient.
Step 4: Enter explanation of why thechange is insufficient.
Step 5: Enter additional details for Howto achieve sufficiency.
Step 5: Enter additional details for Howto achieve sufficiency.
Step 6: Repeat for the 2ndtype of ‘Yes, but…’ PredictedUnDesirable Effects [“Yes,that’s a great solution, but Ipredict that it will alsocreate some undesirableeffects…”]
Step 6: Repeat for the 2ndtype of ‘Yes, but…’ PredictedUnDesirable Effects [“Yes,that’s a great solution, but Ipredict that it will alsocreate some undesirableeffects…”]
Step 7: Repeat for the 3rdtype of ‘Yes, but…’Implementation Obstacles“Yes, that’s a great solution,but I see the followingobstacles in implementingit…”]
Step 7: Repeat for the 3rdtype of ‘Yes, but…’Implementation Obstacles“Yes, that’s a great solution,but I see the followingobstacles in implementingit…”]
Helpful Hint: There are often manystakeholders for a suggested change.You can add additional lines for eachof the 3 “Yes, But’s” to includeeveryone.
Helpful Hint: There are often manystakeholders for a suggested change.You can add additional lines for eachof the 3 “Yes, But’s” to includeeveryone.